August 3, 2010

“If you talked to your friends the way you talked to your body, you would have no friends left.” Marcia Hutchinson 

Give your body love and respect.

Treat it with kindness. 

Treat it with care.

Be patient with it. 

Be forgiving.

Because you would act that way towards a friend.

Because you would want a friend to act that way towards you.

Because you deserve it, and so does your body.


August 2, 2010

The best way to get something done is to begin.

You continue to tell yourself that you will start your task tomorrow.

Tomorrow arrives, and you postpone your actions yet again. 

No more excuses.

No more delays.

No dwelling on the past, or fixating on the future.

All you have is the present moment. 

Let go, and start today.

Begin working now.


July 31, 2010

Slip ups are easy, but dont see them as the end, or anything close; they are part of the process, in a greater or lesser degree, and they are far from being a ladder back to square one.

What does it mean?

July 28, 2010

Recovery =

Not doing things to yourself that make you feel bad.

July 27, 2010

Tonight was incredible

July 26, 2010

I feel just, so incredible tonight.
I felt normal.

I went out to a movie with my boyfriend, and afterwards we went to get ice cream.

I ate movie theater popcorn and drank a milkshake. In. Public.

Even a week ago I felt like I could never be normal. I felt like I couldn’t go out on a date with my boyfriend and have a good time because of all the pressure to eat. Tonight, I insisted on popcorn, and it was my idea to go to Steak ‘N Shake.

He would never suggest going out to eat because he knows how bad my anxiety gets eating out in public, and tonight I suggested doing such.

I feel so incredibly liberated at this moment.
I feel like I can, with time, beat this eating disorder.
I feel like someday I can be free.


July 15, 2010

a number like this, never defines you.

-Stay Beautiful.

July 4, 2010

At my weight management meeting the other day, I learned that one of the reasons that Americans are so overweight is because of their lack of self-love.  They feel guilty when they eat crap, so they go off it cold turkey for a while.  They eat nothing but reasonable portions of skinless chicken and steamed vegetables, and every night they stare at themselves in the mirror, slapping and pinching, loathing every inch of their physical being.

And then of course since no one can be saintly for very long without slipping, they drive through a McDonald’s one night or pick up a bag of potato chips at the store and eat all of it, feeling worse and worse about themselves with every bite.  Beating themselves up even though the food is already being processed through their digestive system and no amount of guilt will do them any good.

We are not fighting a battle against our own weak selves; we are fighting a battle against science and engineering, against people who change the taste of french fries according to the season, against people who tweak their food to make it addictive.  This is not and should not be an easy fight to win.

And so, to every person struggling with their weight and self-image (especially the girls), know this: your body is the greatest instrument you will ever have.  Take the time to understand it, and it will be your ally.  Hate it because it is imperfect, and it will be your worst enemy.

No one is ever perfect